"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Great Plains

We are on the road again. This time in Michigan. Camped across from a lake on one side and a corn field on the other. We have a few days to just chill and that is what we are doing. These are precious moments for me. Spending time with my grandsons . John loves the Great Plains. He tries to get to South Dakota once a year... but that is not always possible. I know he carries the power of the Black Hills and the Badlands with him. It is in his soul and in his DNA and so he is never really separated from those open skies he loves. The earth is so diverse and beautiful that no matter where we find ourselves we can feel gratitude just from connecting to the Earth and Sky. When I was in Ireland I said to myself " their can be no more beautiful place on earth than this"..three weeks later driving through the Ozarks on 44... I thought...wow this is awesome, totally beautiful. So the beauty we see travels with us and in us..walk in beauty today

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