"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Friday, October 8, 2010


When I woke up this morning I read the Circle of Nations newsletter and was very inspired by John Two-Hawks words. I began to consider the concept of strength. I've never had much muscle. I don't recall ever winning an arm wrestling match. Quite honestly I am really quite a wimp. So I began to contemplate what is true strength and in what ways am I strong. Have I faced true adversity. Maybe a little? I look at people like Nancy Cooper Maier and Jean Seifried who courageously face cancer and who bring music, art and beauty to the world in the midst of their own struggle. I look at someone like JTH who sufferered his entire childhood in an abusive and neglectful home and wakes up each day with an attitude of gratitude. And then there is me, wimpy ole me, who cries at a bee sting. I suppose my strength is my vision and my belief. My strength is my faith. And I suppose these strengths were born out of a lot of disappointment. I am thankful for those seeds of disappointment. In our lack is our true abundance. In our doubt is our true faith and in our fear is the hope of overcoming. A little flower may be a strong as a mighty oak, it just depends on what you need. We all have inner strength to give to ourselves and to a world who mistakes might and power for strength.


  1. You are stronger than you think! ;-)

  2. It's true about those seeds of disappointment.

  3. Well written again Peggy. Inner strength is never to be confused with power. Power is a result of greed, and inner strength is the result of a life lived
