"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Instant Karma

Instant Karma gonna get you!! Nothing instant about true Spirituality! It is ancient like the earth, the wind, the fire, and the water. It is slow and self effacing. Ever notice everyone is a healer and a "shaman" now a days? You can get your "Shaman's" license online for free, just click www.freeshamanslicense.com Hey that spirituality is as good for your spirit as a big mac and fries is for your body. Lesson one, if someone tells you they are a "shaman", then they are not. Lesson two, if someone tells you they are a healer, then they are not. Lesson three, if a ceremony costs $$ then it is not one. These are three simple lessons and I offer them to you free of charge. You can thank me later. True spirituality is self bought and self taught. The price is more than anyone would want to pay. It comes with sacrifice and suffering. It is paid for with tears and rejection. It is not some pie in the sky feeling like getting high. Use drugs if you want that feeling. True spirituality is born of humility and is silent and does not announce itself. True spiritual leaders live a life of love and they don't have to tell you that, because they will show you that. Follow love, follow practical wisdom, don't follow self proclaimed "shamans". Breathe and wait! It may take 7 or 70 years to have a vision. One true vision is worth 1,000 fake wanna be visions. Oh by the way "shaman" is not a word any American Indian person would use to describe a healer or medicine person (threw that one in for free). You have the eyes and ears to see and hear beauty. Follow your own path and listen to your own spirit. Instant karma not gonna get cha!


  1. Awesome as always, Peggy and there's a lot of truth in what you've said.

    Love ya,

  2. So sad that this even needs to be said.....

  3. JTH is giving me a lesson on commentary! Right teacher, huhn? Love your take on life as it is! Happy Unbirthday. Love, Momma
    PS I love your ANGRY ones, cause you say what I want to say. Hugs.

  4. Absolutely! We live in an age of instant everything but spirituality doesn't work like that. It's about the detours we take and all the little baby steps until we "get it." Hugs to you Pegggy.
