"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Friday, December 31, 2010

New days

I love stepping into a new adventure. It is like putting on a new pair of shoes or holding a newborn grandson in your arms. New is good. Old ways are good ways too... but this blog is about NEW! I have so much to look forward to in 2011. Three new music productions for Circle Studios records and JTH and finally...drum roll please.........................................My new book.
I am publicly making this pronouncement as a subtle kick in my own @#%
This is why resolutions are so Good. But please don't make yours about losing weight or exercising that is such an old resolution. Try something new, something fun...something daring and dangerous that puts you out of your comfort zone! Get ready and at the stroke of midnight (if you are awake) or first thing in the morning when you awake, have a dream with your cup of coffee. New friends, new food, new adventure, new shoes, new dreams, new hopes, new convictions...... Go for it!


  1. Wow, your bog was much more upbeat than mine! Hahahaha! I'm excited about the book as it is part of my new adventure too. Kicking me out of my comfortable zone! WooHoo, Happy New Year Peggy and JTH!

  2. Let us all go for it, I for sure will jump into 2011 through a campfire tonight :)
    Looking forward to your book, that`s good news.


  3. It's wonderful that you are so enthused about the New Year and that you have written a book (something I would like to do)!

    Love the picture and the message,
