"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Having Fun

I am sitting in Chattanooga Tenn. I love this town. Since we arrived on Wed, we have just been having a great time. The first day here we discovered some of the wonderful art on the River and in the art galleries..wow wow wow! I am in my element. Good food, great art, wonderful music and beautiful friends. This combo does not always come together. So, picture me smiling! John plays with the Symphony tonight. Watched rehearsal last night and was just filled with gratitude for the opportunity to share this spirit filled flute music with other incredible musicians. Now I have a myriad of new experiences to write about. But I will sign off for now, so I can go explore some more. Word for today.... Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Whew, been missing your blogs! Glad to know you are having so much fun!!!!! Can't wait to see you in May!
