"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

take time to feel

Ever feel sad? I do quite often. This blog is probably meant more for women than men. But you guys who read may learn something about women. We are feeling creatures. We are connected creatures. John always teaches that men are like TV dinners and women like beef stew. Men are compartmentalized.. but women are swimming around touching and feeling everything. Nancy Cooper Maier wrote a song about taking the time to feel, whether happy or sad. So today I am going to take her advice and feel this sadness. Is there a reason... half the time for women we don't need a reason. We can blame it on hormones. But I have a few reasons for being sad and I don't need an excuse to feel this way. Crying is good. Sometimes I can't seem to bring on the tears and sometimes I can't stop them. This is a normal reaction to life. Usually as women if we can't get in touch with our emotions it is because someone, somewhere lied to us....Big girls Do Cry! Hey, even Big boys Do Cry! As it is with laughter, tears prolong and enrich our lives. When I am finished being sad... I shall be equally as happy... so let the sadness begin. Women, we are marvelous creatures!


  1. I hope your dobber pops up on this beautiful, windy April day. Let's go play a little. momma

  2. This is wonderful and really hit home for me today. Thank you, Peggy.
