"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Beautiful memory

Sometimes John and I would go to Nancy's house to record. Three years ago we went to record some children singing to add to Nancy's new childrens CD "Every Little Thing" Nancy's house was full of bright colors, dogs barking, music, art and her incredible creative spirit. Sometimes I would leave Nancy's place and go home and write the most amazing poetry. Nancy fought cancer for 7 years and during that time she lived more than most people live in 70 years. She painted, wrote, sang, led a choir, laughed and grew. She is my friend and my inspiration. We wanted to plan a release party for her new Childrens CD, but somehow that just didn't happen. But now it is going to happen. I will miss her sweet smiling face and the way her whole body moved as she directed the choir. If everyone had 1 ounce of Nancy's goodness then the world would be healed.
If you don't have Nancy's music then you are totally missing out. Her childrens CD is soulful and uplifting. Her first CD "love again" is just pure light. Come to the Concert tomorrow night at 7:00pm at the First United Presbyterian Church in Fayetteville AR. John will be performing along with several others and Nancy's choir. I will be the MC and am baking some incredible cupcakes. If you live across the globe and can't attend, then just look up to the stars and ask Nancy to share a little of her light and then like Nancy you will shine shine shine!


  1. Will be there is spirit Peggy...Living with cancer myself.....

  2. Beautiful as always, Peggy ~ You are one of the most thoughtful persons I know. Thanks so much for sharing these thoughts with us.

