"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

organized chaos

I am back from the computer black hole. Our computer got sick and we have been nursing it back to health. Perhaps it is well now, or at least well enough I can begin to work and play with it again. I am amazed how difficult life is with a tired computer. I am thinking back just a few short life times ago....like back 20 years when I had no computer and did not even know how to turn one on. I still ate, I still played, worked and got along just fine. Now I am so connected to this thing we call a computer, this organized chaos.
Has it made my life better.... really. Maybe not, here I sit while the sun shines outside. I suppose it ranks up there with telephones and televisions, how do we live without them? I like my cooking shows and being able to talk to my grandkids on the phone. I like movies and connecting online with Circle of Nations members all over the world. So I suppose this technology is a good thing.....but the sunshine is beckoning me to head outside. I am glad my computer is back. I am also glad that I am still more in love with the natural world then the neon distractors that demand we sit... think I will go take a walk....see ya on the outside.


  1. I totally understand your dilemma, it's a love/hate relationship. Finding balance is the key. You already know that. :D Won't be long before our paths cross again, away from the computer! Miss you and John.
    Peace! Cynthia

  2. I think that's a lovely idea, Peggy. It's not too hot today and the humidity is down, so it's a good day to spend some time outside. I know exactly what you mean about these computers though ........ kind of sad, but I, also, am glad to be connected.

