"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Happy Anniversary

John and I have been married 17 years today.
It seems like yesterday when we said I do. In the middle of passion, conflict, and incredible doubt and unknowing. It was pure follow your heart ( such a dangerous option, or so we are told). With our life experiences, ages, families and personalities the skeptics would have to say our chances were not good, our marriage was doomed to fail. But we had this one thing, this one stubborn strand that bound us together, love. It seems like yesterday that we took off on our honeymoon. It seems we've never returned from that trip and it is unlikely that we ever will. So as we head into the 18th year of our honeymoon, I just wanted to say... I am the luckiest girl alive.


  1. Happy Anniversary. My the Creator bless you both.

  2. Sweet, sweet words... Blessings to you both and may you share many more wonderful years together. Happy Anniversary, sending love!

  3. Happy Anniversary to both of you! Having just celebrated our 18th year together, I had to step back and think about how quickly it has all passed. Many blessings for many, many more happy honeymoon years!

  4. Blessings to you both! You are such an inspiration to me and may you share many more happy years together.
