"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Being under the weather today and actually feeling really pukey, I found this picture I took last summer and needed some healing thoughts.
Beauty surrounds us, even when we are lying in bed sneezing, freezing, achey. I didn't want to pass up a day with my blog. Writing too, for me is a healer and I find tremendous beauty in words. I recall a time in my life, when I was broke, going thru a divorce and just healing after cancer surgery. I had to go back to work even though the doctor said no. I had to make a living and pay bills. I had been thru the ringer and didn't have much to smile about. As I walked home from work (car was in the shop). I suddenly came upon one lone flower and I stopped. That flower healed me in some way, because I was able to see that beauty was still present. I had lost the beauty in my life. That was a turning point for me and a call to be aware of the beauty that surrounds me. So today I choose to see.


  1. Feel better my friend. May beauty always surround you.

  2. Always think of the lotus blossum...peace dear friend...........Merlen

  3. I remember that flower, and where we were. Beautiful time, beautiful moment. Love you!!
