"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

true strength

There is nothing stronger than true gentleness. Today I want to write a few words about John Two-Hawks. You all know his incredible music and many of you know the profound depth of his teaching and writing. Knowing John on a day to day, moment to moment basis, I get to experience the steadfastness of his character. I see how he treats the Elders with such dignity and respect. I see how he reaches to the children with quiet playfullness. I am continually amazed by his patience and good humor. I know many times when he has been not feeling well he puts it aside and goes to the place where he puts others first. No pretend with this guy, it is the real thing. He has the strength of the Thunder Beings born out of tremendous tragic storms. Words really don't touch the pureness of his love or the steadfastness of his committment to the Mending of the Sacred Hoop. He cares deeply about the whole circle, from the spider to the falling stars, he works continually to educate and inspire people to care about Mother Earth and to walk softly and respectfully with all. Please take some time to pray for John and to reach out to him with good thoughts, intentions and words of encouragement.
There is nothing stronger in this world than true gentleness!


  1. Yes Peggy, John Two-Hawks is a kind and gentle soul. I have seen and been touched by his kindness for everyone around him. I continue to learn from his teachings and listen to his music, all of it fills me with hope and strength. Blessing to you and John.
    love you both! :D

  2. Hi....PPPPPH Thanks for sharing Johnny with me. As you know, he is a wonder. He said "love, you, mommy"...nice to hear. But you know, he shows me all the time. Like coming over on this chilly gloomy blustery night and taking care of my business. Love him a little extra for me tonight, darlin'.
