"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Last night I had a sweet young woman take me aside and say to me " I am on a spiritual journey" she said. I just looked at her, because my thought was 'yes'.. 'and' ..because she might as well taken me aside and said " I am breathing". But I snapped out of my duhh mode and tuned in to listen to what she was saying. Basically she was saying I recognize who I am but I live in a world that seems blind to who I am. I listened and made my profound suggestion. Attend a Mending Medicine retreat. That is all I could think of because that is where I feel surrounded by people who are surrounded by spirit and live in spirit as effortlessly as breathing. We are all on a spiritual journey. Eating, sleeping, working, playing.. it is all connected to spirit. Each step is a prayer, a lesson, a spiritual journey. We may live in these bodies, but they are no more than a vehicle. Would you mistake who you are and think the car you drive in, is you? Of course not, you step out of the car when you arrive at your destination. You know the car is not you, certainly this body is not us. We will step out of this body when we arrive at our destination.
This is most certainly a spiritual journey. Do I know what and why and when. No. But I can figure out that we can touch each other spirit to spirit. I can figure out that it is all a circle and we will certainly step out of this cramped body into a larger, free and loving place.


  1. I agree ~ beautifully said by a beautiful spirit. I got to visit Terra Studios again this week, when it actually wasn't raining, and did like John has told me. I slipped off my shoes and walked in the grass to feel closer to Mother Earth and more grounded in my spirit.

  2. Have always believed in the circle of life and spirit..but always had a difficult time understanding the concept that I was Spirit until very recently. I have been working on affermations and positive thinking of late and am just starting to see how much that changes my life!Lost my closness with mother while I was working but retirement has brought me back to her again.Miss having you and John around to chat with....
