"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

make a wish

Would you believe that I still believe in making birthday wishes. Those are strong wishes because they only come once a year and only work if loved ones bring you a birthday cake with candles. I never wanted to waste them so my first wish was for 3 more wishes. Even a little trader back then. The second most powerful wish maker is the one you see here. But you have to be able to blow the entire weed clean, too much work and no cake after, therfore second.
However a wish is still a wish and a powerful intention on its own. It tells us who we are and what we really want. It is not clouded by what others think we should have or what is responsible or likely to occur. Anyone ever wish for a migraine headache ( I don't think so). Wishing is good especially if you connect it to contentment. It means I want this, but I don't have to have it to be happy. But I expect I will get it because I believe. Simple but profound truth. There are fields of dandelions calling your name. Make a Wish!


  1. I wish, I wish........... I know it will come true!

  2. Glad to see I am not the only adult who still loves blowing dandilions to the wind to carry my wishes!! :)

  3. I wished you would write in your blog again because I missed reading your thoughts...AND MY WIS CAME TRUE!!!YIPPEEE!!!
