"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Thursday, May 27, 2010

pics of John

This picture of John was taken in Europe several years ago. I figured since I am leaving for Europe today I would use this picture. Europeans seem to travel more than Americans. They take more time for holiday and for relaxing. I think that is because material gain is not as important value as we American's see it. I am going to try to "when in Ireland, do as the Irish do" I am hoping that will include for me more relaxation. At this point I am out of my comfort zone. Eight days on the road and many more to go. Newspaper, coffee and bird watching at home have given way to miles of beautiful roads and beautiful smiles. See ya tomorrow or so from the Emerald Isle...it's all good!

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