"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Irish Eyes

Tomorrow I fly out to Ireland. I have always wanted to visit Ireland. Ten years ago I had the blessing to meet my dear friend Brother Seamus.
He has been to the States a dozen times to visit us and we had not once been to his home land. Now we head out to see the land that has created this beautiful friend of ours. We will see other great friends too and surely will meet some new ones. After spending 3 days on the playground with my grandson and enjoying laughter, boo boos and many " I love you so much grandma". How can life get any better than this. Part of me could feel guilty... but I won't let it. It is my time to shine. To enjoy and have fun....I do feel a small retionalizatin about to break thru.. humor me.. I have worked very hard and I deserve this. Thank you. I am taking my lap top with me so the blogs may go on...if I can plug in and get an internet connection. What am I most excited about in Ireland.. the music. The pubs and the music. Ready for more stories to share, I hold you all in my heart and you travel with me! Irish Eyes and Emerald Isle here we come!


  1. Have a wonderful time and take along my greetings to everyone too! Hugs to all!

  2. I'm glad you are taking us in your heart, sure wish I could be by your side. How exciting, take lots of pictures! Safe travels, my friend. Peace & Blessings, Kathy
