"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
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Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Sugar

I have determined that we have had enough bad news. I may cancel my paper, but I am kind of addicted to it, like my morning coffee. I like the crossword puzzles and the coupons and the way the paper smells and feels and sounds as I turn the pages. I am a senses type of girl. I will probably not read books on an i-pad. I love the feel of a book in my hand. I love looking up from my computer at my book cases and seeing all the wonderful books that have helped me and molded me in some way into who I am. I love books! I know many of you do also. I am so hopeful that new generations will love books also. But what I really wanted to write about this morning is happy sugar. I thought about this yesterday when my mom offered John a bowl of cereal she called happy flakes (I think she meant frosted flakes) but we knew exactly what she meant. Several years ago John and I stayed in Hannibal Mo. at a great Bed and Breakfast Inn call the Garth Mansion. When we woke up and went into the dining area for breakfast (which was absolutely incredible), I poured my coffee, added the cream and when I went to put in the sugar, I was hit with one of the most profound moments of my life... "happy sugar". Mixed within the white sparkling sugar were little colorful tiny round balls of color. The spring colors of Rainbow Non Pareil sprinkles were prominent within the sugar. How creative, how artistic, how inviting! Like sprinkles on an ice cream cone on a hot summer day, with pigtails and love. I vowed to return home and make happy sugar of my own. I vowed to be an ambassador of happy sugar. For that entire spring I espoused the healing aspects of little sugar balls of color. This is a recipe even the most fearful, inept cook can conquer!
Happy Sugar
1 cup of white cane sugar
1TB or more of Non Pareil (or any other colored sugar sprinkles you may have)
mix well... change colors for the season
this mixture will melt in your coffee or on your tongue.... Have Fun! Life is Sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Peggy, I love the idea of "happy sugar"!
    We all need sweet, colorful things in our life, this fits the bill perfectly! :D
