"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!

"The Wind of My Soul" by Peggy Hill - Click the Pic!
Click the Pic to get the book!

Monday, March 1, 2010


You will find my thoughts and passions are eclectic. Back to dreams later, this morning I am thinking about food. If you will afford me my rambles you will be rewarded with a wonderful recipe at the end of the blog... so...
I grew up in a culture of food. Mom was a great cook and still is. When I think of my most fond memory as a child, it will include vividly, trips to Miami Street Bakery for a chocolate covered donut, which I would take to morning mass with me before school and secretly lick off the chocolate icing when Sister Theresa's attention was focused on scolding another child. My rationalization for this sin was that certainly Jesus would want a taste. Yes, the remainder of the chocolate donut would get scarfed down with the cold sweet carton of chocolate milk at my desk before the bell would ring. After that bell I have no memory.
But I also remember mom making home made french fries and also spaghetti and meatballs, family and friends always around the table. A fall or some other tragedy would usually warrant a cookie or ice cream. So I understand emotional eating (whats the big deal). A cookie and a tear tastes very good together. My mom makes mashed potatoes to die for. I really think this has been the secret of my long term happy marriage to John. Her secret: probably the pound of butter and cream she uses, but that won't hurt you because I am convinced that a plate of love will balance out a multitude of calories. Love is the key. So find someone who loves you and let them cook for you, or better yet, how about you cook for someone you love.
This is one of Tony's favorite recipes... it is easy and yummy.
Let me know how you like it...

Italian Noodle Casserole
1 80z skinny egg noodles (the only skinny thing about this recipe)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 1/2 pound lean ground beef
1TBsp butter
3 (8oz) cans tomatoe sauce
salt and pepper to taste
1Tbsp sugar
1 cup cottage cheese, 1 (80z) pkg cream cheese, 1/4 c sour cream
1/3 cup chopped onion, 1/4 cup chopped greem pepper
1 cup cheddar cheese
Cook noodles according to package directions, Brown ground beef and garlic in butter.
Add tomato sauce, salt and pepper and sugar. Blend cheeses (not cheddar) and add sour cream, onion and green pepper. In a greased 9x13 inch dish, put half of cooked noodles, then a layer of the cheese mixture and rest of noodles. Cover with the ground beef mixture and top with the Cheddar Cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min. Serves 8... (yeah right) ENJOY!


  1. You may find this odd, coming from me, but it sounds like something I just might try! LOL.......... love reading!

  2. No one knows more about love on a plate than you, Peggy! You put your heart into cooking for those who are dear to you! I appreciate all those meals that you have created for me!
